Troon Community Council currently has one vacancy for a Specialist Co-optee focussing on legal advice and support.
Community Councils give local people a real say in matters such as local service delivery and other issues which affect daily lives.
Community Councils have a local and statutory interest in the planning process.  Local Authorities are required to consult with Community Councils on planning applications affecting their area.
Specialist Co-optees do not require to reside within the Community Council area.  They, therefore do not count towards the calculation of the quorum.  They have no voting rights and are not permitted to hold office.
If you are interested and are 18 year’s or over, please contact the Secretary as detailed below before 11th April 2024.
Arlene Gordon
Troon Community Council
10th March 2025

FW: [] Temporary Restriction – SAC10583 – South Ayrshire Council ( Hillhouse Road, Troon) (Temporary Road Closure) Notice 2025

The above Temporary Notice, which comes into force on 27/04/2025, imposes restriction on the following roads:

  • Hillhouse Road

Please find attached a copy of the Temporary Notice.

A copy of the plan relating to the Notice can be found online at

New Local Development Plan timetable considered by Councillors

South Ayrshire Councillors are reviewing the timescales and opportunities for the next Local Development Plan (LDP3).

At a meeting on 6 March, Councillors will be asked to give approval to publish and consult on the Development Plan Scheme 2025.

The Local Development Plan covers all land uses, including housing, transport, business and industry, tourism, coastal development and protection, green belt, renewable energy, office development, waste, and woodland.

Councillor Bob Pollock, Depute Leader of South Ayrshire Council said: “The LDP is very important as it sets out the Council’s vision for developments across South Ayrshire. If the paper is approved, we’ll be looking for feedback from residents on how we’re proposing to consult on the next LDP. We’re also encouraging people to sign up for updates and to engage in LDP3, through the dedicated website.”

Anyone interested in keeping up to date with the latest plans, can join the LDP community to receive updates, attend events and keep informed with the process. Visit for more information.

The Council paper can be found at

Proposed Changes to the Environmental Regulation (Scotland) Guidance on Public Participation and Fit and Proper Person Test

I wanted to let you know about the latest SEPA consultation on proposals that will change how we authorise and regulate waste management, water and industrial activities. The consultation on proposed changes to the Environmental Regulation (Scotland) guidance on public participation and Fit and Proper Person test, is the next step in implementing the Integrated Authorisation Framework (IAF) and a simpler, integrated system for environmental regulation across Scotland.

The consultation closes on 30 March.

We would be grateful if you were able to share the consultation link on your social media and with local groups.

read more…

Proposed Changes to the Environmental Regulation (Scotland) Guidance on Public Participation and Fit and Proper Person Test


The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) are Scotland’s principal environmental regulator, protecting and improving Scotland’s environment.
In 2018, Scottish Government brought in the Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulations 2018 (EASR 2018), referred to in this consultation as ‘EASR’. The aim of EASR is to provide a standardised, simplified, common framework for environmental authorisations in Scotland, known as an Integrated Authorisation Framework (IAF).

Please click on the link for more. Any responses to the article should be made using the instructions in the link.

read more…

Establishment of ASN provision at Troon Primary School

Establishment of an additional support needs learning provision at Troon Primary School
At their meeting on Tuesday 18th February, the
Council’s Cabinet of Elected Members have approved the
establishment of an additional support needs learning provision at Troon Primary School.
Results of a public consultation held at the end of last year showed overwhelming support
for the provision of additional services based in Troon Primary School, which were outlined
in the proposal.
Full details of the proposal and the consultation outcome report can be found here
Yours faithfully,
Gavin Cockburn
Service Lead – Education Support Services