We are developing our new council plan for 2023-2027. This plan will focus on the outcomes we want to deliver to create thriving communities and places in South Ayrshire.

We have been working with the Improvement Service to develop our plan, which has been drafted around 3 key priorities and will be underpinned by the fundamental principles of having people at the heart of what we do, equality and sustainability.

We are working in a challenging economic climate and want to make sure that our plan is deliverable, efficient and meets the needs of our communities. We want to hear what’s important to you, so that our plan reflects what matters to local people.

Please take a few minutes to let us know what you think and to make any comments or suggestions on our proposed priorities and high-level outcomes.

Please note this survey is also available in hard copy in our libraries and leisure centres, and on request by emailing

You can complete the survey here.


Poppyscotland Cost of Living Grant:

A new online cost of living grants programme, mutually launched in the last month by The Royal British Legion and Poppyscotland. A programme aimed to provide a quick and straightforward way to assist members of our Armed Forces Community, Veterans, those serving and their immediate families.

This programme is designed to assist members of Our Armed forces Community (AFC) who need help in a quick and straightforward way, with everyday essentials such as kitchen appliances, clothes, and energy costs.

This programme is open to anyone who is eligible for our support struggling to pay for items and services they need. You can apply online using the above link. Aim to assess your application within 5 days of submission.

The Household Hardship Fund

Opening 22nd November
The purpose of the Household Hardship Fund is to provide small grants to charities and community groups across Scotland who can pass the funding on directly to families and individuals on low incomes: Groups can apply for up to £5,000 to provide families and individuals with cash or vouchers to meet pressing needs such as food, fuel, household items or clothing. You can find out more here.

TFN Magazine – click here for the latest edition of the Third Force News magazine

South Ayrshire Sensory Team – Youth Group Tuesday 22nd November 2022

South Ayrshire Sensory Team – Youth Group

The Sensory Team is looking for your suggestions and opinions about the benefits of starting a youth group for children and young people of school age who have vision loss and would like to invite you to an open evening on Tuesday 22 November 2022 6-8pm at Arrol Park Resource Centre, Doonfoot Road, Ayr, KA7 4DW.

Please come along and meet the team and share ideas about what a Youth Group for children and young people with vision loss would look like.




Amey, on behalf of Transport Scotland as part of the Network Management Contract for the South-West Trunk Road Unit, are undertaking active travel improvements on the A77 between the Bogend Toll and Symington Junctions from Monday 7th November 2022 for approximately 15 weeks. This work will take place between 8pm and 6am each night. The construction will stop over the Christmas/New Year holiday period for 2 weeks, during which time the site will be made safe and access maintained for all users.


This scheme will benefit existing pedestrians and cyclists who currently use this section of the local cycle network each day by widening the existing shared footway to better align with Transport Scotland’s Cycling by Design guidance. The scheme will also encourage more users to walk, cycle and wheel for health, leisure and commuting purposes which aligns with the Scottish Government’s and Transport Scotland’s objectives to cut carbon emissions by providing higher quality active travel infrastructure.

The work will be carried out using overnight closures of the nearside lane on the A77 northbound carriageway between the Bogend Toll and Symington junctions. There will be no need for a signed diversion, and we thank road users for their patience and cooperation while these essential improvements take place.

Pedestrian/cyclist access of the shared footway will be maintained throughout the works with pedestrians and cyclists being escorted where footway closures are required. Access for emergency service vehicles will be maintained throughout these works.

Our operatives will follow strict physical distancing and hygiene protocols throughout the programme, in line with the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 guidance.

Please note, all schemes are weather dependent and may be cancelled or rescheduled if weather conditions are not favourable.

For media enquiries please contact Amey’s press office on 01865 713240 or by email: Follow us on Twitter @SWTrunkRoads
Key facts about Scottish South West Trunk Roads Unit

Amey delivers engineering design and operational delivery services for Scotland’s South West Trunk Roads Network.

These services include the design and delivery of major road and bridge maintenance work, as well as inspections to ensure the routes remain safe and well maintained.

Amey carry out salting, snow clearing and gully cleaning as well as the repair of motorway lighting and traffic signals.

The South West Trunk Roads Network covers over 600 Km of road through south west Scotland, including the Dumfries and Galloway, Ayrshire and Inverclyde and key stretches of the M8 motorway around Glasgow.

Key facts about Amey

Amey is one of the top five support services suppliers in the UK. We employ 16,000 people, have a turnover of £2.1bn and a strong forward order-book.

Every household in Britain benefits from the work we do. We maintain the UK’s road and rail infrastructure, keep schools safe and clean, manage the UK’s defence estate, safely escort prisoners and keep prisons and courts secure. We also collect and process waste, as well as deliver utilities services.

All of this is underpinned by our leading consulting capabilities which uses engineering design and data analytics to better manage the services we all use and rely on.

Amey is owned by Ferrovial, one of the world’s leading infrastructure management and investment companies. Ferrovial has more than 96,000 employees and a presence in over 15 countries. It is a member of Spain’s blue-chip IBEX 35 index and is also included in prestigious sustainability indices such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and FTSE4Good. Ferrovial’s activities focus on four2 business sectors: construction, airports, toll roads and services. Amey is part of the services division.

Amey plc is a company registered in England and Wales. Registered Office: Chancery Exchange, 10 Furnival Street, London, EC4A 1AB. Registered Number: 4736639. For particulars of companies within the Amey Group, please visit