Change in our communities to tackle and end hate crime. Wednesday 5th October 2022

The Ayrshire Equality Partnership, with partners including Ayrshire College, each of the local councils, Community Justice Ayrshire, NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Police Scotland, and UWS, invite you to join them on Wednesday 5 October from 9.30am-2.30pm at Kilmarnock Campus, for a conference which seeks to empower change in our communities to tackle and end hate crime.
The conference aims to support learning about hate crime through the lived experiences of its speakers and the good practice demonstrated across Ayrshire and beyond to tackle it.

For more information and to book your place, visit:

New National Care Service (NCS)

Adults with first-hand experience of social care services in Scotland are being invited to help design the new National Care Service (NCS) from 26th September 2022. Please see the link below for further information:

South Ayrshire Council-Suspension of Services-Monday 19th September 2022

South Ayrshire Council confirms some services will be suspended on day of funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Report by: Eileen Howat, Chief Executive

As a mark of respect on the day of the funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, some of our services will be temporarily suspended.

Many of our services were already scheduled to be closed due to the pre-arranged local public holiday, however the following services will now also not operate on Monday 19 September 2022:

•All Sport and Leisure services (including our golf courses);
•Rozelle House Museum and Galleries;
•The Maclaurin Art Gallery.

These services will resume as normal on Tuesday 20 September.

Arrangements are in place to ensure that all essential Health and Social Care activities continue on Monday 19 September.

Waste Management collections will not be affected and will continue to operate as normal on Monday 19 September.

The Book of Remembrance at Ayr Crematorium will also remain open as normal.

Leader of South Ayrshire Council, Councillor Martin Dowey said: “Following the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, I know people across South Ayrshire, including many of our staff, will want to pay their respects and take time to reflect on a lifetime of service on the day of our late monarch’s funeral.

“While some of our non-essential services were already scheduled to be closed due to the pre-arranged public holiday, we have taken the decision to suspend further services on Monday 19 September. This is as both a mark of respect and to allow those who wish to do so, time to mourn the loss of our longest serving sovereign.”

Date of report: 14/09/2022 09:10

Responsible officer/contact: Eileen Howat , Chief 01292 612612


After a two year absence Wintertainment is back on Sunday November 20th. here are a few highlights from 2020

HM Queen Elizabeth II – Book of Condolence

Report by: Wynne Carlaw, Service Lead – Democratic and Governance

Following the sad death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the Lord-Lieutenant of Ayrshire and Arran, Sheriff Iona Sara McDonald OBE and Provost Iain Campbell signed the Book of Condolence at County Buildings this morning.

A Book of Condolence will be available for the public to sign at the following locations:

County Buildings, Wellington Square, Ayr KA7 1DR (8:45am-4:45pm, Monday to Thursday and 8:45am-4:00pm on Friday)

The Wallace Tower, 172-176, High St, Ayr KA7 1PZ (8:45am-4:45pm, Monday to Thursday and 8:45am-4:00pm on Friday)

Carrick Opportunities Centre, Henrietta St, Girvan KA26 9AL (8:45am-4:45pm, Monday to Thursday and 8:45am-4:00pm on Friday)

The Thriving Communities Office, 70c High Street, Maybole KA19 7BZ (8:45am-4:45pm, Monday to Thursday and 8:45am-4:00pm on Friday)

Prestwick Library, 14 Kyle Street, Prestwick KA9 1PQ (8:45am-4:45pm, Monday to Thursday and 8:45am-4:00pm on Friday)

Troon Library, 5 South Beach, Troon KA10 6EF (8:45am-4:45pm, Monday to Thursday and 8:45am-4:00pm on Friday)

The books will remain open until close of business on Tuesday 20 September.

Please note: the locations above will be closed on Friday 16 and Monday 19 September for the public holiday.

Floral tributes can be left in St Germain-En-Laye Gardens located at the front of County Buildings in Ayr.

An online Book of Condolence is also available at

Glasgow Taxis

It’s a whole town effort welcoming the Glasgow Taxis every June. Connie from Girvan’s holds auctions throughout the year and this year raised £7210.

75th Glasgow Taxi Outing Day

After having to miss two years the Taxis came back to Troon to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Glasgow Taxis Outing Fund. 125 Taxis plus two double decker busses and their back up crew, brought 305 youngsters for a wonderful day out in our town. The weather was just right to show off the Troon’s superb vista of “sand, sea and shops”.

Many of the shopkeepers decorated their premises and donated ice cream, sweets etc on the day. “Knit and Knatter”, a group that meets on Monday evenings in McKays Restaurant and Pub, covered just about every bollard along the route with their craft. All this added to the delight on the faces of the children, which in turn made all the planning worthwhile.

The Parade was led by Police Scotland & Federation Pipe Band Members,  the taxi Committee and Troon Community Council. Along with two Dancing Schools from our town we had  the Lord Lieutenant of Ayrshire & Arran, Morag Douglas, the newly elected Provost and from South Ayrshire Council Iain Campbell and deputy Provost Mary Kilpatrick. Troon’s Councillors were also in attendance.

At the prize giving for the best outfits a remarkable lady Margaret, who was still serving the ice cream, clocked up her 75th trip! Another long service award was given to Peter, a former driver achieving 53 years. Well done to the Glasgow Taxi Owners Fund who raise the money to hold this event. Look them up on their website and Facebook.

Troon Community Council looks forward to seeing everyone again next year.

Best Dressed Licensed Premises
1st. Girvans
2nd. Blueberry’s
3rd The Swan

Best Dressed Retail Premises
1st. Precious Kidswear
2nd. Barnardo’s
3rd. Troon Pets & Aquaria