75th Glasgow Taxi Outing Day

After having to miss two years the Taxis came back to Troon to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Glasgow Taxis Outing Fund. 125 Taxis plus two double decker busses and their back up crew, brought 305 youngsters for a wonderful day out in our town. The weather was just right to show off the Troon’s superb vista of “sand, sea and shops”.

Many of the shopkeepers decorated their premises and donated ice cream, sweets etc on the day. “Knit and Knatter”, a group that meets on Monday evenings in McKays Restaurant and Pub, covered just about every bollard along the route with their craft. All this added to the delight on the faces of the children, which in turn made all the planning worthwhile.

The Parade was led by Police Scotland & Federation Pipe Band Members,  the taxi Committee and Troon Community Council. Along with two Dancing Schools from our town we had  the Lord Lieutenant of Ayrshire & Arran, Morag Douglas, the newly elected Provost and from South Ayrshire Council Iain Campbell and deputy Provost Mary Kilpatrick. Troon’s Councillors were also in attendance.

At the prize giving for the best outfits a remarkable lady Margaret, who was still serving the ice cream, clocked up her 75th trip! Another long service award was given to Peter, a former driver achieving 53 years. Well done to the Glasgow Taxi Owners Fund who raise the money to hold this event. Look them up on their website and Facebook.

Troon Community Council looks forward to seeing everyone again next year.

Best Dressed Licensed Premises
1st. Girvans
2nd. Blueberry’s
3rd The Swan

Best Dressed Retail Premises
1st. Precious Kidswear
2nd. Barnardo’s
3rd. Troon Pets & Aquaria


Councillor Nan McFarlane

It is with deepest Sympathy that we inform you that a great friend of Troon community council has died. 🖤

Councillor Nan McFarlane has sadly passed away. She was a great councillor and a great historian to Troon.
Nothing was too much bother for her. She was a champion of the people, as well as a dear friend. To tell you of all the things she did here, would be impossible. She was unique and irreplaceable, and will be greatly missed in Troon.

🕊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🤍 Tapadh leibh ar caraid 🤍🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🕊

Odd Object Competition

Troon Community Council’s Summer Competition

Find an object in the shop window that it doesn’t normally sell!

25th June – 31st July

Troon Community Council (TCC) are holding their “Find the Object Competition” from the start of the school holidays until the end of  July.

This year as well as the five primary schools in Troon, (Barassie, Muirhead, St Patrick’s, Struthers, and Troon) the TCC are opening up the competition to all primary school children – both residents in our town and those from outwith the Troon boundary. Primary school visitors, children from surrounding towns and villages as well as further afield, are all welcome to take part. Over and above the three prizes we normally give to each of the town’s schools, there is an additional ten prizes sponsored by TCC, for the extra participants.

The £10 voucher prizes can be spent in any of the shops taking part.

TCC have endeavoured to comply with Covid Guidance and have done their best to ensure the competition is run as safely as possible. Entry forms have been delivered to the town’s schools for a period of quarantine, before being given to the pupils.

Entry forms for the additional prizes will be available on request from C Gulls and Strawberry Cushion in Church Street, Words & Music in Portland Street, Blooms in West Portland Street, Cafe 141 Deveron Road. Note, entry forms are available on request only from behind the screens in the shops listed above. There will also be a PDF form, which can be downloaded from the website. Completed entry forms have to be returned to Waddell & Macintosh in Ayr Street on or before 31st July. When all the entries are in, a period of quarantine will again be in place, before they can be checked, for the prize winners. It is hoped to announce the winners towards the middle/end of August.

Please take every care to keep your distance when taking part in the competition and stay safe especially when crossing the road.

TCC is grateful for the support of all the businesses that have contributed to the continued success of this competition and encourage everyone to look closely at the wide range of goods and services offered by Troon’s shopkeepers.

George Mulveny (TCC Events 315503)

Downloadable form here

Find the Object Comp Summer 2021

Glasgow Taxi Outing

Unfortunately we have had to make the decision to postpone the 75th outing to Troon until 2022. It is now scheduled to be held on Wednesday, 15 June, 2022. We had reached the point in this year’s planning process that requires the booking of equipment and venues etc, as well as enlisting the help of behind the scenes volunteers and the many people who fundraise all year to make the outing possible. We are ever grateful to them. With the unknown virus situation ahead of us, while this is not a decision we wanted to make, it’s the right decision. Obviously everyone’s health and wellbeing is at the forefront of our thoughts, particularly the children and their families. No doubt lots of drivers will be disappointed too as they look forward to the outing each year just as much as the children and I thank them again for their continued support. We will be doing something to mark this year’s postponed date – Wednesday, 16 June, 2021 – and that will be announced soon. One day…with a lifetime of memories

Stay safe and healthy.

Stephen Lalley, Treasurer, Glasgow Taxi Outing Fund


Troon Community Council are looking for new members. Although not meeting at the moment, and the elections have been delayed until a later date, new blood is needed. The commitment is to one meeting once a month with optional help with events, once these recommence. A chance to make a real difference to our lovely town. Please contact Helen Duff on 01292316993 for more details.

Glasgow Taxi Outing

What a disappointment for all the kids who would have had a fantastic day out in Troon. This was to be the 75th trip of the Glasgow Taxi’s Outing to our great wee town with the big heart!
With so many things cancelled due to the Coronavirus, it didn’t take place and all the planning of the folk who organise the GTOF event has had to be put on hold. However the day was marked by a virtual message from some of the Troon Community Council who met on the Council steps (physical distancing), to send greetings to the young people via an online presence.
We hope to welcome the Glasgow Taxis next year to their actual 75th anniversary.
Look forward to having you and your precious young folk back with us in 2021!
You can look up their website:

Helen Duff
Chair TCC
See you next year!