State of Caring Survey

25 August, 2022

Survey link:

 The annual State of Caring survey is the UK’s most comprehensive research into the lives and experience of carers. They want to understand carers’ priorities for the future, what support they need to help recover from the pandemic, and to create a positive legacy for the future. They will use the evidence to continue to campaign for carers to get better support.

Their evidence has helped shape Government policy and has helped service delivery organisations look at practice. Last year for example, they used carers’ collective voice and evidence to:-

1) campaign for cost of living increases in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland,

2) provide evidence of the need for a right to Carer’s Leave and other support within the workplace

3) campaign for breaks and funding for social care – and there’s still much more to do!

The survey will close on 9 September and they will be releasing a research report in November.

If you have any questions about the research, please get in touch with our policy team by emailing